Southern Blight of Tomato

14 Aug 2022

Southern blight of tomato. The stem has been covered by white fungal mycelia, which in turn is covered by spherical sclerotia, like sprinkles on a cake.

Ink painting/drawing of southern blight of tomato, caused by the fungus Athelia rolfsii (Sclerotium rolfsii).

The photograph shows the base of a tomato stem where it meets the soil. The stem has been covered by white fungal mycelia, which in turn is covered by spherical sclerotia, like sprinkles on a cake, in varying shades from dark brown through tan to white.

I normally use these weekly pathogen sketches as an opportunity to practice composition. However, this photograph by @alabamaED was so wonderful that I’ve drawn it directly.

Top: scanned image

Bottom: photograph

This is one of the few plant pathogen paintings that is not a composition. It is a direct copy from a delightful photograph that was sent to me on twitter.

The photograph and painting are set side-by-side.


Pratylenchus penetrans


Soybean Cyst Nematode