Left: Ink painting/drawing of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) symptoms.

ToBRFV: The painting shows a tomato stem, with one cluster of tomatoes and one compound leaf. The tomatoes are deformed and blotchy, with pale green/yellow patches. The leaves show mosaic symptoms, including mottling with various shades of green, bulges and deformation.

Right: Ink painting/drawing of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) symptoms.

TSWV:The painting shows a tomato stem, with one cluster of tomatoes and two compound leaves. The red tomatoes are covered in concentric yellow and orange ringspots.

The symptoms shown on the leaves are variable, including: characteristic darker concentric rings, brown flecks/blotches, leaf ‘purpling’ (shown here as light brown-green colour), normal (green) portions on the base or the tip of some of the leaves, and dark brown necrotised tissue.

The tomato fruit and leaves both have spots with ‘normal-'looking’ centres, which is a strong indicator that the cause of the spots is a virus. Bacterial and fungal spots rarely have a healthy middle as infection starts at the centre and spreads outwards.


Citrus Lesions


Colletotrichum Still Life(s)