Neopestalotiopsis of Strawberry

02 Apr 2023

Top: Scanned image

Bottom: photograph

Ink painting/drawing of strawberry Neopestalotiopsis, caused by the fungus Neopestalotiopsis spp.

The painting shows two strawberry leaves, each with three leaflets, and three strawberries. One of the strawberry leaves, and one of the strawberries, are partially obscured by the others.

Two of the strawberries have early stage symptoms, characterized by pale brown lesions), while  one shows  a late stage lesion with dark brown/black acervuli. The lesions on the leaves  vary in colour ranging from  light brown or darker brown, size, and shape. Dark brown pycnidia are visible in some of the larger lesions. Dark brown/green areas surrounding lesions indicate continued invasion of the fungus into the surrounding tissue.

S. E. Bartholomew (@phytopoetry) sent a poem to accompany my painting!

The tweet says:

“Strawberries, apples and cherries too

Sometimes come down with a case of fruit flu

Leaves are consumed and start to look sickly

And berries are squishy and just a bit icky

Let @ISUExtension help at

Great art @hgpennington!



Ascochyta pisi


Phytophthora asparagi