Coffee Rust

19 Feb 2023

coffee rust, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix

Ink painting/drawing of coffee rust, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix.

The painting shows a coffee branch, with 10 leaves emerging in pairs, one on each side of the stem. Counting down from the terminal bud, the base of the fourth leaf pair has a cluster of finishing flowers, the fifth leaf pair has seven green coffee berries, and where the sixth pair would have been, there are a further six berries. The adaxial (upper) surface is displayed  for eight of the 10 leaves, while the abaxial (lower) surface is shown for the remaining two.

There are yellow chlorotic patches on the adaxial (upper) leaves, and dark brown necrotic areas in the largest lesions.

On the abaxial (lower) leaves, bright orange areas in the centre of the yellow lesions indicate areas of sporulating rust.

Top: scanned image

Middle: photograph of the painting

Bottom: Screenshot of a tweet

My Coffee Rust painting has been used (with permission) for the cover of a book!

Professor Emerson Del Ponte, from the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, has just published new cover art for his book Plant Disease Epidemiology (R4PDE).

The tweet says:

“The time has come! Excited to present the new vibrant cover art for my R for Plant Disease Epidemiology (R4PDE) book by the incomparable


Thank you Helen! 🙏”




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