Rice Blast

30 Jan 2022


I scanned in my rice blast ink painting, removed some of the noise/ mess from the background, and removed the rice sheath leaf that I did not like. You can compare it with the original photographed image below.

A scanned image of an ink painting/drawing of rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (syn Magnaporthe grisea).

Original Text

A photograph of the original, unedited, ink painting/drawing of rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (syn Magnaporthe grisea).

Left: the painting shows a cluster of five rice leaves, with characteristic diamond-shaped elongated lesions. The lesions are brown, and surrounded by chlorotic yellow tissue.

Right: the painting shows a rice seed head. Some of the grains are reddish/brown or black, indicating infection. The internode below the inflorescence is brown, indicating that it has died due to infection.

rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (syn Magnaporthe grisea)

I dislike how I did the shading for the leaf just below the inflorescence. It detracts and distracts from the symptoms.


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