Colletotrichum Fruit

09 Oct 2022

Anthracnose lesions on apples, strawberries and mango.

Ink painting/drawing of anthracnose lesions on apples, strawberries and mango. The symptoms are caused by related fungi within the genus Colletotrichum.

The painting shows a side view of a blue fruit bowl containing two red/pink apples, four strawberries and a mango. All of the pieces of fruit have brown, sunken, roughly circular lesions. Concentric rings of darker brown are visible on the apple lesions, and some of the strawberry seeds present within the strawberry lesions have turned brown.

Top: scanned image

Middle: photograph

Bottom: AI generated fruit bowl reference image

I generated still life fruit bowl images, containing the fruits that I was interested in, using DALL·E 2 ( You can see how the best generated image served as inspiration for the anthracnose fruit bowl.

I keep wanting to call the painting ‘anthracnose fruits basket’ after the anime ‘fruits basket’…


Colletotrichum Vegetables


Soybean Sudden Death (SDS)