Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)

17 Jul 2022

Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) disease symptoms

Ink painting/drawing of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) disease symptoms.

Pop-art style picture of a simplified banana plant painted in light green (leaf midrib and trunk), darker green (leaf lamina), and outlined in black. The leaves at the top of the plant are narrower and flatter than normal, causing them to appear bunched together.

Top: scanned image

Bottom: photograph

Someone on twitter asked me “Which software did you use for this drawing?“ I drew the image by hand, but being asked this was definitely flattering! I just really like a good leaf shape.

If I were to paint this again, I would make the new leaves at the top/ centre a lighter green. This is a symptom that does occur with BBTV, and I think it would have made it easier to see what was wrong with the plant.



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